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Saturday, January 27, 2007

I passed Platinum!

I finished up my platinum test tonight and had my phone time. I got 100% on my test and did great on my phone calls. I'm so happy! I was really nervous about the test. I can tell you I probably WON'T be picking up Platinum extra hours. They intimidate me too much :)


Gigi Lynn said...

Congratulations! Do they pay more for people who are willing to work with platinum customers? If so, you should get over being intimidated and go for it, since you're obviously good at it!

Norm and Nancy said...

You go girl! You sell yourself waaay too short sweetie. I knew you'd do fine. Glad it's over though.Tests....aaaaaaugh!....some-thing for school days and those are long past.

We'll celebrate when we have our 'scrapfest." Which would you prefer - a special lunch out, or an Archivers gift card? Maybe we'll do both! :-)