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Thursday, September 25, 2008


My dad has deer that quite frequently come down from the mountain, cross through his corral and then go out in his field. We have really enjoyed watching them this summer. Jordan always comes running in the house saying "Deer! Deer!" whenever she sees one. Last night there was a doe who was being really friendly with his dog Molly. She let Molly get right up close to her. These pictures came out grainy because I had to zoom all the way in to get them. She would let the dog get close to her but not us :)

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Simba Sam

This is how they slept last night.

He is such a cuddle bunny :)

Jordan got a kitten yesterday. She named him Simba Sam. First it was just Simba, then it was Sam now she says Sam is his middle name. Isn't he a cutie!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Rest In Peace Uncle David

My uncle, David Radcliffe, was senselessly murdered along with five other people on Tues. Sept. 2nd in Alger, WA.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

First day of first grade!

Jordan started first grade today at Betty Kiefer Elementary. Betty Kiefer was a well known teacher here in Rathdrum and they named the school after her. Actually, my sister Angie had Mrs. Kiefer for a teacher. I took Jordan to school this morning and then she took the bus home. There are 3 other kids who get off the bus at her stop too.

Her new outfit

Showing off her backpack that we got over the summer on clearance for $7

She has the same lunchbox as last year.

Posing proudly in front of the school

This was the "Ok mom, I'm fine now would you please leave" picture :)