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Sunday, January 7, 2007

Pretty uneventful day

Not really much to report for today. Took Jordan to Sunday School this morning, then worked in the nursery during church service, came home, ate lunch, cleaned Jordan's room and my scrapbook room, made dinner and went to work for 6 hours. :)

I stopped at Barnes and Noble and used a little more of my Christmas money that I still have stashed to buy a new book (Chicken Soup for the Mother of a Preschooler's Soul) and a road atlas because all the ones at work that we are supposed to share have all disappeared. I will just keep this one in my bag so I have one when a guest calls and says "I'm headed down Interstate XYZ or I need a room somewhere between Here and There." I really wish Marriott would put a search option in our information to put in the interstate numbers.

Gotta get to bed now. It's after midnight and I have to get up early enough to take a shower before Parker and Erica get here.

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