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Saturday, February 16, 2008

I have such great friends!

About an hour after I got to work tonight one of my friends pulled me off the phone and told me to come with her. She took me up front by the doors and there was a cart FULL of groceries. She told me that I had friends that loved me and didn't want me fretting over groceries while Jim was out of work. I couldn't believe it. Of course I cried and said I didn't deserve it. MacKinzie said she knows if she was in the same boat we would have all helped her out too. This was all spearheaded by my friend Alyssa. I can't thank her enough. MacKinzie is right I do have friends that love me!
Between what I had on hand, what my mom got for us and what my Marriott friends got for us my pantry is now fully stocked! I had to bring in an extra bookshelf for the canned stuff.

Jim's mom had given us some money and I used that to get his prescriptions filled when he got out of the hospital. So over all we are doing all right for now. Please keep us in your prayers

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