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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

I am BEAT!

In the last 32 hours I've had about 2 1/2 hours of sleep. I got alot done today but I always felt like I was taking 1 step forward and 2 steps back. It started out with my going to 4 different grocery stores only to get 2 boxes. Normally these stores have all kinds of boxes stacked up. Then I stopped at Target to get some flip flops and decided to treat myself to the new Starbucks Mocha Mint Chip Frappuccino. Only to accidentally dump half of it all over my kitchen floor when I knocked it while packing. UGGH! It was so yummy too :) I got most of my kitchen dishes and pots and pans packed. Just need to run the dishwasher one more time with the rest. I got Jordan's DVD's and player packed as well as her books and a few odds and ends boxes. I cleaned and swept the laundry room. I still need to go through the junk drawers and the linen closet. The last thing will be packing the food that's left over next Tues. for Jim and Leon to take home. My mom is coming over on Mon. and so is James. Luckily someone took the last half of my shift Mon. night so I only need to work until 2 am. We pick up the moving truck at 9 on Tues. and I have the neighbor boys lined up to come over at noon. Mom and I will load the boxes and leave the furniture to the boys :) I'm still not sure how much of this stuff I will actually be able to fit in the truck. I've already decided if they won't fit I will leave behind my dining table and chairs and my entertainment center. I love them both but they are replaceable. Also if the king bed won't fit it won't be going.

Tomorrow is Jordan's kindergarten graduation and the all school awards ceremony at 10 and then right after that we are going to a park for an all school picnic and play time. We will be there from 11-2:30 and I am driving part of the kindergarteners. Tomorrow evening I have to run up to work for a BBQ (I don't have to be its the NYC hotels hosting it and they always give away goodies). We also are going up to our old neighborhood tomorrow to tell Bobbi and her family goodbye. Then it will be back here for more packing. Someone is supposed to be coming over tomorrow to look at the safe we have in the basement. Hopefully they will buy it. I've had 3 people bugger out on me that were supposed to come look at it. Tomorrow I'm hoping to clean the car inside and out, finish packing up the kitchen, pack the bathrooms, pack our clothes and most of the linen closet and make a list of what needs to be packed in the car as opposed to the truck. Everything that's going with us to Grandma's needs to be in the car so I don't have to sort through it at my dads. And all of that will have to be done after I'm done with her school outing. UGGH!

Please pray for my family as the stress of all this is really starting to get to us. Jordan is REALLY acting out and it's putting a strain on Jim and me. That is on top of the stress and strain we are feeling from knowing we will be separated for a while. I know we will get through this with the Lord's help. I'm trying to stay strong through this but I feel like I may hit my breaking point soon. I probably just need a good cry :) It's almost midnight now so I'm going to head to bed. I have to be up with Jordie at 7:15 and start all over with another busy, busy day.

1 comment:

Gigi Lynn said...

Praying for you, of course!!!!

Hugs, Gigi