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Friday, June 8, 2007

Up to plan Z

Well we are up to plan Z with my trip back home this summer. We have had to use my vacation account to pay bills in the last month or so and I was worried I wasn't going to be able to go out to Washington. My mom is my angel though and has agreed to buy me and Jordan bus tickets to get to my dads. Unfortunately that means Courtney can't go with us this time but I'm sure she will come out with us again sometime. I Really Really wanted to get back out to see my family and my mom can't afford to buy 3 tickets. I hope Courtney will understand. The bus trip shouldn't be that bad. It will be nice not to have to do all the driving and I can just sit back and enjoy the scenery :) I will have to pack Jordan's toy bag to keep her busy on the trip. Maybe we will have all of our letters learned by the time we get to dad's house! I have a couple of workbooks for her to work on this summer. My mom will be getting our tickets next week and they are advanced purchase and no refunds so we will be locked into it. I'm so excited now that I know we will be going for sure!

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