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Thursday, December 13, 2007

Winter Program

Jordan's school program was today. The kids all did a great job! The kindergarteners were the last class to perform. Each class did 2 songs, the band and strings had pieces they did and then the whole school and the audience sang 4 songs together. It was so fun.

Her Christmas dress from Grandma Nancy

I braided her hair last night after we washed it so it was wavy today. She said she didn't want the waves to go away. I think she will be disappointed tomorrow when she gets up. I can't imagine they would last 2 days.

Jordan's class.

Remember on the halloween post where I said Steven from her class was a handful and was the one who roared in the mic when Jordie went up to say what she was for halloween? Well that's Steven on the left in the top row. He kept hollering "hi mom and dad!" and trying to walk down to them. All his parents did was laugh at him. It's no wonder he's a handful.

The kids all watching Steven and trying to keep singing

Here's a video I took. It's not the greatest but you can see the class. This was at the end when everyone one was singing. I tried to scan over to see the other kids but it was too dark. I wasn't sure how to cut that out to put it on here so just excuse the few seconds of blackness. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Laura! I can't believe how big Jordan has gotten. Neat thing is Emily had her concert today and wore that exact same dress, with a black long-sleeved shirt and black tights underneath :) I hope you are all doing well and you all have a wonderful Christmas.