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Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Cat and Dog Antics

As I said in my previous post Simba and Jesse fight like crazy but are the best of friends. Lately Jesse has really been getting the best of Simba and actually making him yowl in pain. But as Jim keeps pointing out Simba always comes back for more (I think it's his revenge). The other night though Simba really got Jesse. They were playing in the laundry room and somehow the small laundry basket got knocked over on Jesse. I laughed so hard because Simba finally had him cornered and "won" in my opinion. :)

Jesse say "Simba, so help me, when I get out of here I'll get you.
I mean it now you get me out!
Simba says "ha ha ha, you're trap!"


Norm and Nancy said...

Too cute. They really do like like a pair....of monkeys!


Norm and Nancy said...

Have I told you how much i enjoy your blog and the photos? I DO!


Gigi Lynn said...

Time for an update on how things are going now that your family is back together -- and I don't mean just the animals! :)