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Tuesday, August 7, 2007

God is good yet again!

Money is so tight right now. We were almost at our max for our overdraft protection and I wasn't sure what we would do to get us through until the 16th when I got paid again but yesterday one of Jim's friends from work gave him $400!!!! He said "I know things are tight right now with your surgery and we are both Christians so I want you to have this." I can't believe it. What a blessing.

Then today I get an e-mail at work saying someone (I'm sure it was my friend Alyssa) nominated us for the back to school backpack drive so I will getting school supplies and a backpack for Jordie. That means I can take back what I had already bought and have a little extra money for some groceries.

God is so good!

1 comment:

Gigi Lynn said...

Hey, Laura. It's been two weeks since your last blog post. What's been going on?

Love, Gigi