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Sunday, November 25, 2007


We had a pretty good thanksgiving here at the Leland household. I used alot of the food we had gotten from the food pantry at church and from people at church who had "adopted" out family last month and gave us groceries. I bought just a turkey breast instead of a whole turkey. We still had plenty of left overs even with just the breast. Jordan and I had turkey for dinner last night and then tonight we ate up the last of it with hot turkey sandwiches. Our Thanksgiving menu was:

Turkey Breast

White Corn




Cheesy Mashed Potatoes

Deviled Eggs

Sweet and Dill Pickles

Green and Black Olives

Mini Carrots


Cheese and Crackers Tray

Pumpkin Pie

Pecan Pie

It came out being a whole lot of food for not doing anything fancy. I bought my pies at Walmart .
Jordie helped me put all the food on the table

Getting ready for prayers

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