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Thursday, August 2, 2007


Life has been so crazy lately. Jim went back to the hospital on Sunday because he had blisters all over his incision on his neck. They determined that he had an allergic reaction to the glue they used. He developed an infection so they kept him overnight and gave him antibiotics through an IV and then released him Mon. with a prescription for more antibiotics. He is doing better. He started walking yesterday. We went down to the school that's about 2 blocks from home and he walked around their track. Today he went around the track twice. He is feeling better. He has a appointment tomorrow with his surgeon's assistant to check his incisions. He says he's ready to go back to work on Monday on light duty. We will have to see what the dr. says. I'm taking Courtney home on Sat. She has to get registered for school and get settled back home after being in Oklahoma City for a month with her friend. She was supposed to fly in Tues. night but missed connections and had to spend the night in Milwaukee. What a fiasco but she finally made it here Wed. morning and her luggage got here Wed. night. James left Wed. morning. Jordan has really been acting out lately I think because she senses all the changes going on. She's getting excited to go to my mom's for a few days on the 15th though and has been marking the days off on the calendar. My mom and my sister Shannon and nephew Parker will pick her up on the 15th and I will take the train over on Sat. and come back with her on Sun. Her school has a back to school night on the 20th and then school starts on the 22nd. I'm going to use my savings to get her a few school supplies and maybe a new outfit or two. I will have $80 in my account after he next pay day. We are having a MAJOR yard sale in two weeks and hopefully will get a good chunk of money off that.

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