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Friday, June 20, 2008

Funny Story

Tonight when Jordan and I were at the library, I was making copies of some job ads and she said she had to go potty. The restrooms were only about 100 feet from us so I told her to hurry and go and then come right back. She went over there and then came back with this serious look on her face. I said what's wrong? She said "Momma, I read the sign on the door and it says No Escaping." I looked over at the door and it said "No Smoking" I laughed so hard. I told her what it really said and she said "Oh!" and went in to go potty. LOL!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Water Park

We went down to Columbia Park today (the city park). They have a new water park set up there. The kids had a great time.

More love of horses and Smores!

We went out to Aunt Patti and Uncle Paul's again tonight for dinner. We had BBQ hotdogs, pasta salad, baked beans and veggi tray. It was yummy (and I don't even really care for hotdogs). Uncle Paul made a fire after dinner and we had smores.

Patti was "babysitting" the neighbors dogs and horses so Parker and Jordan got to go down with her to feed them. Jordan was in heaven again.

Jordan and Parker petting Delilah
Delilah licking Jordan's skirt

Can you tell this girl loves horses?

A goodnight hug :)
Jordan and Parker ready for smores!

Uncle Larry, Uncle Paul and Aunt Patti relaxing after Smores.
Uncle Paul with his dog Sid, Shannon and Aunt Patti
This was one of the neighbor's dogs that Patti is watching. She really put up with the kids mauling her.
Aunt Nita and Grandma

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Horseback riding

Jordan was in heaven again today. We went to my Uncle Marc and Aunt Kellie's and she and Parker got to ride the horse. They were both really excited. Jordan can't wait to go again soon. I'm trying to upload the pics to kodak but with this darn dial up internet it is taking all night. I may have to wait and figure out another way to do it.

Jordan on Tootsey with my cousin Lexi

Jordan loved it when Lexi had her jog

Parker had fun too after watching Jordan and deciding it wasn't that bad.

After the kids rode, Lexi rode for a bit and then they turned all four horses loose in the pasture and they LOVED it. They ran around going wild, but they were just having fun. It was neat to see them run around so much.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

A little update

Have I mentioned how much I hate dial up Internet??? This is so stinkin slow that it takes me over an hour to read my emails from my Mar02 mom's yahoo group each night. I hate it! Plus I have to fight with my grandma over the phone time during the day. It seems like as soon as I get on she has to make a call, even if I've asked her if I can use the computer. I'm only briefly checking in during the day now and doing most of my Internet time after she and Jordan go to bed.

Jordan and I did make it to the library today though and got library cards so now I can go there and check email too. I'm not sure what the library hours are though, I forgot to look :( so I may just get to go on Wed. when I'm off after my 3 weeks of training. Jordan got signed up for the summer reading program and checked out 3 library books today. She's very excited to be reading again. We brought a backpack FULL of books with us but it's much more exciting for her to go to the library and get some.

I have 5 more days of freedom and then I start working. I need to start working though my money has dwindled away.

We were at my cousin's (on my mom's side) graduation and graduation party this last weekend. They had mexican food at the party. I was so happy. I absolutely LOVE mexican food. There are alot of mexican places here in the Tri-Cities but I haven't had the $ to go out to them. I think when I get my first paycheck I will take my grandma and Jordan out to dinner. We went to my aunt and uncles (on my dad's side) for dinner on Sunday. My aunt Patti made a big spagetti dinner. It was delicious. She puts veggies in her spagetti sauce. My sister Shannon and nephew Parker are coming over this weekend to see us. We still need to get over to my Uncle Marc's so Jordan can see his horses. Maybe we will do that while Shannon is here.

That's about all the news from here. It's been unseasonable cold and rainy but I'm praying it gets nicer next week or Jordan (and grandma for that matter) will be going stir crazy in the house while I'm at work.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

In Washington, Employed and Online!

I got a job after only being here a day and a half. The Courtyard by Marriott only had a part time position and was only $8.50 /hr. I got hired on at the West Corporation working in their AT&T department. I will be assisting customers who call in to sign up for phone and/or internet services. I start training on the 16th.
I now have internet but it is VERY VERY SLOW! It's hard to go from cable connection to dial up. I will deal with it though. Will post more soon.
Jordan and I are going to my cousin's graduation and party tomorrow and then to my other aunt's house for dinner on Sun.